The Reign of Rain Robinson Read online
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But still, even if her jealousy was irrational, there was something there. Something that she couldn’t quite identify that made Fantasy’s advances toward him different from all the rest. Maybe it was because Mileena got the sense that Carter was interested in Fantasy, and the very thought of that worked on her emotions, and not in a good way.
“As much as I’d like to, sometimes that ain’t possible. You know how this business is.”
“I do,” Fantasy said and inched a little closer to him.
“Sometimes it’s hard to do all the things that you want to do … know what I mean … Fantasy?”
“I know exactly what you mean, Mr. Garrison. And if I can help you to do all the things you want to do, all you have to do is say so and I will help you in any way that I can.”
Carter smiled and took a step closer to Fantasy.
“That’s good to know,” he said, and that was when he saw Ryder standing at the bar. “But right now, there’s somebody that I need to talk to.”
“I understand,” Fantasy said breathlessly. “Just know that I am here for you.” And then she hugged and kissed Carter on the cheek.
Mileena watched angrily as Fantasy hugged and kissed Carter. Although she knew that she should be mad at Carter for not shutting Fantasy down, she was much madder at Fantasy.
I can’t stand that bitch, Mileena thought.
She had seen the way Fantasy was with Carter. Always positioning herself to be around Carter in order to bait him.
“The bitch.”
But to Mileena, her dislike for Fantasy was deeper than just the way she was with Carter. If Fantasy never looked in Carter’s direction, she still wouldn’t like her. It was everything about her. It was the way Fantasy carried herself, the way she walked, the way she talked, the way she dressed.
“Like she thinks she’s better than everybody.” Mileena shook her head and went to check on another bar. “I can’t stand a thirsty bitch.”
And then it only got worse from there because instead of coming to see her, Carter walked over to talk to Ryder.
When Ryder saw Carter quickly making his way through the crowd to get to her, the first thing that crossed her mind was the last thing that he said to her.
I don’t care if you are Mileena’s cousin. If I ever find out that you were a part of this nigga’s plan, I will kill you where you stand.
Ryder very quickly reached in her purse for her gun and positioned it where she could get to it quickly if the need became necessary, but she sincerely hoped that it wouldn’t.
“Hello, Ryder.”
“What’s up, Carter?”
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“Sure,” Ryder said, and Carter signaled for Jillian, the bartender.
“What are you drinking?”
“Patrón − neat,” Ryder said.
Jillian dropped a bar napkin in front of Carter and then put her hands on the bar and leaned forward, giving Carter a close-up view of her healthy cleavage.
“And what can I get for you, Carter?” she asked sweetly, and Ryder rolled her eyes.
“Hennessy Black.”
“And how did you want that?”
“I’ll be happy to get that for you,” Jillian said, and Ryder stuck her finger in her throat to gesture gagging but took it out before Carter looked at her.
“What am I gonna do with you?” Carter asked.
“Look, Carter, I’m gonna say this one time and you can choose to believe me if you want to. I didn’t know anything about what Jab and Kenard was up to. And yeah, you damn right I planned to do a deal with the people who killed Reese and shot Geno, but Jab said that you was good with it. But I swear to you Carter, if I had known anything about that shit, I would have killed them myself,” Ryder said, and Carter laughed. “And I ain’t talkin’ just to be blowing sunshine up your ass. I mean that shit.”
Jillian returned with their drinks and then stood there for a second or two, but when Carter didn’t so much as glance in her direction, she moved on quietly.
“We family. Mileena is my family and she loves you. That makes you my family. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you and I had something to do with it. So, you can kill me now or whatever, you can even use my gun, but that’s the truth.” Ryder tapped her chest. “I am a loyal member of this family and that’s what’s real.”
“I believe you.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” a relieved Ryder said.
“I’ve been asking around about you.”
“Have you?”
“I have.”
“Who you been talking to?”
“Mike and Shy.”
Ryder smiled, because Shy was her girl. “What Sandy say about me?”
“That you and her go back years, so if I killed you, I can forget about being invited for Thanksgiving dinner.”
They both laughed. “Sounds like Sandy.”
“Both of them had nothing but good things to say about you, but since you and Sandy go back years, I discounted what they said and talked to Rain.”
Fuck, Ryder thought, knowing that she was on Rain’s shit list. She never forgot that night in the office alone with Rain. Her guns on the desk and ready to kill me for not telling her some shit that I didn’t even know I was supposed to tell her.
“Rain said that you’re the best planner she’s ever met. Said it’s your attention to detail and your ability to anticipate potential problems and plan contingencies for them.”
“I didn’t know she thought of me that way,” Ryder said, and it made her feel some kind of way, but it was a good way.
Carter laughed. “And then she told me a story about how you were ready to go up against Kirk and his partner by yourself.”
“I was, but she talked me out of it.” Now it was Ryder who laughed. “She told me that I was her family now and she needed me with her.”
“She also told me that you were the brains behind Jab. And that you were running his crew.”
Ryder laughed. “Yeah, I don’t mean to speak ill of the dead, but Jab was a stupid man with a gun.” And a big fat juicy dick, Ryder thought.
“So, here’s what’s going to happen going forward. You’re gonna go back to work.”
“Doing what?”
“Planning jobs for your crew.”
“My crew?”
“You been running things, right?”
“Time that we make it official.”
“Hold up. What is you sayin’?”
“I’m sayin’ that I need somebody to step up and run that crew, and since you been running the crew, and everybody but Jab knew it—”
“He knew that shit, trust me,” Ryder said. And he would tell me all the time when I was throwin’ this jewel on him.
“I’ll make sure everybody knows that I know it too,” Carter said as Rain walked up to them.
“What’s up, Ryder?” Then Rain turned to Carter. “Let’s go. We got shit to do.”
“We’ll talk later,” Carter said to Ryder and then he left J.R.’s with Rain and he never spoke to Mileena.
She watched them making their way through the crowd thinking. Instead of coming to see me, he stops and talks to Ryder and then Rain comes along, and he leaves with her without ever looking my way.
Embarrassment wasn’t even the word for how she felt. Neglected was more like it and Mileena felt like a fool for thinking this time around it would be any different.
This is not what I expected, she thought as she watched Carter leave with Rain.
Chapter Seven
Once they left J.R.’s, Rain and Carter were going to Pago’s to see Ed Weather. Rain wanted to talk to him about the losses they had taken and rebuilding his crew which got decimated when DP’s men hit Paradise Fish and Chicken. An attack that claimed Ed’s wife, Delicia.
“You and Ryder settle y’all shit?”
“I think we have an understanding,” Carter said as th
ey got to his car and drove away from J.R.’s.
“She’s gonna do good for you,” Rain said. “Bitch got a nose for money and she know how to earn. What I want to see is if them niggas will respect her. Her telling Jab what to do is one thing; but getting a bunch of men to do what you say is something different.”
“I’ll make it plain to them that I stand behind her.”
“Good, but you should tell her that she needs to start recruiting her own people. Thems Jab’s people. What she need is people that’s gonna be loyal to her.”
“Mike tell you that?”
“How you know?”
“He told me that same shit when I took over Drew’s crew,” Carter remembered.
“I learned a lotta shit from that man,” Rain said with a sense of reverence. “Shit that’s saved my life more than once.”
“I did too,” Carter cosigned, and they drove in silence for a while before something amused Carter and he laughed.
“What’s funny?” Rain asked.
“You … wondering if niggas will respect her.”
“What’s funny about that?”
“It sounds funny coming from the woman who is the boss of this family.”
“True, but I’m a bad bitch.” Rain laughed. “At least that’s what they tell me.”
“I heard that shit too.” Carter laughed. “But despite what they tell me, your ass ain’t invincible.”
“I know that. But that’s why I got you. That’s why I need you, Carter.” Rain paused. “I know there are times when I can get out of control. I got a temper, a pretty bad temper, and sometimes it gets away from me.” Rain laughed and thought about how many times Black told her, think first, not shoot first. Thinking should always be your first response in every situation.
“I got a temper too. But you’re the boss of this family.”
“And that’s exactly what I’m sayin’. It’s because of that that I need you to be my consigliere. There is no one else I can trust to do this.”
Carter looked over at Rain as he drove. “If that’s what the boss of this family needs me to do, it is my honor and privilege to do whatever you need.”
“That’s what I need. It’s up to you and me to rebuild this family, make it strong again. Mutha fuckas have been going hard at us for years and we’ve lost a lot of good people. Good earners. But this last shit taught me something.”
“What’s that?”
“There will never be peace. There will always be somebody that wants to take what we have. They caught me sleeping, thinking that we had crushed our enemies and I could lay back and rebuild, but I can’t. I have to do both.” Rain looked at Carter. “We have to do both. So, the first thing we need to do is beef up. Recruit some new soldiers. We ain’t ever gettin’ caught like that ever again. We get strong and settle all our business at the same time,” Rain said as they arrived at Pago’s, a night club that was run by Darius Wilkerson. But since the attack on Paradise Fish and Chicken, Ed Weather had set up there.
“I’ve never been here before,” Carter said as he and Rain went inside.
“It’s a pretty nice place. I’ll show you around,” Rain said, and after they stopped at the bar to get a drink, she showed Carter around.
When Darius saw them wandering around the club, he went to the office and knocked on the door. “Rain and Carter are here!” he yelled.
There was no response, so all Darius could do was hope that Ed heard what he said, and then he went off to greet the boss of The Family. Once Darius got to them, he took his time showing Carter the club before they got to the office.
When they got there, Darius looked at the man who was posted at the door. He nodded his head and Darius knocked on the door, tried the doorknob and since it was unlocked, he walked in. Ed Weather was seated behind the desk and he stood up to greet them.
“What’s up, Rain, Carter?”
“How’s it going?” Rain asked.
“I’m okay,” Ed said. “Y’all have a seat.”
“I wanna tell you again how sorry I am about Delicia,” Rain said.
“We both are, Ed,” Carter said adding his condolences to Ed Weather over the death of Delicia. When DP’s men hit Paradise Fish and Chicken, she was one of the unintended casualties.
“Thank you.”
“I know this may not be the best time, but I wanna talk to you about you beefin’ up your soldiers.”
“I lost some good earners too. Muscle-head niggas I can get by the dozens, a man that knows how to get money, that’s harder to find.”
“Nobody knows that better than me,” Rain said. “But that’s exactly what I need from you.”
“What’s that?”
“I need you to recruit as many of those muscle-head niggas as you can find. I’m trusting you with that.”
“I understand. And I know I need to get on that anyway,” Ed began. “Rebuilding my crew. But I gotta admit to you that I’ve been a little unfocused,” he acknowledged, but the reason for Ed Weather’s lack of focus was Jessica Maximus.
Jessica had been in love with Delicia for years, so when Delicia unwittingly got caught up in the plan to kill Mike Black and Bobby Ray, it was Jessica that hid her. That was when Delicia finally gave in to Jessica and wondered why she waited so long. Although she and Ed were still seeing each other, and they were talking about getting back together, Delicia was living with Jessica when she was killed.
At Delicia’s funeral, Ed Weather was grief stricken and Jessica Maximus was beside herself crying. Even though they really didn’t like each other, they sat next to each other and each comforted the other over their loss during the service.
After the funeral, Ed Weather took Jessica home and she invited him in, so she could give Ed some of the things that Delicia had there, which she thought Ed Weather would want. “Thank you, Jessica. This was very thoughtful of you.”
“You’re welcome,” Jessica said. “It’s been a long day.” She stepped out of her heels. “I need a drink. Can I get you something?”
“Whatever you’re having is fine,” Ed said and sat down.
Once Jessica made the drinks, they sat and talked some more about Delicia and their mutual love for her. It didn’t take much of that before Jessica was crying again and Ed put his arm around her to comfort her while she cried.
“It’s okay, let it out,” Ed said with his arm around her warm and trembling body. Her hand on his thigh and her tittie trembling against his chest caused an unintended, but certainly expected reaction. “I know how you feel. I loved her so much.”
“I loved her, too,” Jessica cried harder and Ed held her tighter, and somehow Ed’s hand found its way to Jessica’s maximum ass, and Jessica’s hand somehow found its way to Ed’s dick.
“I’m sorry,” they both said and quickly jerked back their hands.
Jessica giggled a little. “Delicia told me about that anaconda you got there.”
“That’s what she called it,” she said, and Ed laughed and grabbed a handful of Jessica’s ass.
“She told me about this big pretty ass,” Ed said.
Jessica held her head up and Ed wiped the tears away from her cheeks. She tilted her head up and kissed Ed on his chin. She looked up into his eyes and Ed’s tongue attacked hers with fury. Jessica could feel the river flowing between her thighs and knew that she needed him, and he needed her to ease some of the pain they were both in. Ed Weather felt it too and knew that right then, only he could see to it that they got what they deserved and what they both needed.
Ed’s powerful hands slid from her ass, to her hips, up her back, to her breasts and back to her big ass. Jessica unzipped his pants and released him.
“Damn … she wasn’t lying,” Jessica said, and she slid her tongue up and down the length of it. Enjoying the taste of him and pulling him to the back of her throat and holding him there. Ed’s hands gripped her head and Jessica took him deeper down her throat, while her soft hands worked up and d
“Thought you liked pussy?” Ed Weather asked as Jessica Maximus sucked the fuck out of his dick
She came up for air. “I do. But I like a big hard dick sometimes, and damn do you qualify,” Jessica said and took Ed deep in her throat again. His breaths got short and loud as she sucked. And when he tried to pull away, Jessica let him because although she knew that she could make him cum, she wanted to feel him inside her.
See about those mad skills Delicia was always bragging about.
It didn’t take long before clothes were coming off and Ed was kissing her again, nibbling on her chin, sucking her neck and adding pressure to the grip he had on the breasts he’d been dying to see for years. When he lowered his head and took her nipple between his teeth, Jessica felt the sensation rushing through her veins, and couldn’t remember a time she’d been so hot and wanting for a man.
Ed got on his knees in front of the couch, forced her legs open and was just about to slam it into her when Jessica grabbed his length and guided it in her slowly. She put her hands on his hips to control Ed as he dipped inside her. Once she got used to the size and thickness of him, Jessica moved her hands, closed her eyes and let Ed fuck away their grief until she bit her bottom lip to stop from screaming. The two of them have been fucking every chance they’ve gotten since. That was the reason Ed Weather hadn’t been focused, but he wasn’t about to tell Rain that.
Instead, he went with the obvious. “Delicia’s death got me a little out of it, that’s all.”
“I completely understand,” Rain told him compassionately, because she had no idea that the problem was pussy. “I know you need time to grieve, but I need to know if I can count on you to do this for me?”
“You can, Rain.” He looked at Carter. “Whatever you need,” Ed Weather promised Rain and then she and Carter left the office. Their next stop was Conversations to see Jackie.
When Rain and Carter left the club, Jessica Maximus got up from the bar and went back to the office to finish what she was doing.
Chapter Eight