Hostile Takeover Read online

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  Me and Bobby made our way to the back where the office was, while Nick and Jamaica continued to cover the room. I looked at Drew moving around the spot talking to his people, and once they moved Henderson's body, it didn’t take long for the place to return to normal. Mutha fuckas went right back to drinking and gambling, hoes went back to stripping and selling pussy like the shit never happen.

  “So what’s the deal now, Mike?” Drew asked when he came in the office. He sat down at Henderson’s desk. “First thing I gotta do is get a new chair,” he laughed.

  Me and Bobby did too, because it was kinda funny, but Drew was laughing like it was the funniest shit in the world. But I had just made him the man in his corner of the world, so fuck it.

  “You and me are partners in this Drew; seventy-thirty your way. We still kick up twenty-five percent to André,” I said.

  Drew sat back in his chair as he considered my offer. From where I’m sitting, the choice was simple. He just watched me kill his boss, so he should know that I won’t care nothing about killin’ him too.

  But I really didn’t want to do that.

  You see, other than Pistol Pete, Henderson didn’t have a lot of niggas that were really loyal around him. Most of his crew was locked up or he had just outlived them.

  Henderson was surrounded by Drew’s crew. That’s why I decided not to kill him. If Nick had stepped up and put one in Drew’s head like I had originally planned, we’d still be trading shots with his men.

  “I can live with that.” Drew stood up with his hand out. I stood and we shook on our new partnership.

  You damn right he could live with that. Shit, I had just saved him the trouble of killing Henderson himself one day. I glanced over it Bobby. He stood there, staring Drew down with his arms folded across his chest, because he had no intention of shaking Drew’s hand.

  When I opened the door and stepped out, I saw that Nick and Jamaica were surrounded by Drew’s crew. I pulled out both of my guns.

  “What the fuck we got here,” I said with my guns at my side.

  “Nothing, Black,” Tyron said, and them niggas started to back up off Nick and Jamaica.

  I stepped up to him. “I didn’t fuckin think so,” I said as Drew came out of the office. “Anybody got a problem with Henderson being dead and wants to join him needs to speak up now.”

  All I heard was the sound of music.

  “I didn’t think so.”

  “What’s everybody standing around for?” Drew barked and his crew scattered. Me and Drew shook hand again and I left.

  I told Nick and Jamaica that I would meet them back at The Late Night and I got in the car with Bobby. When he started heading in that direction, I stopped him.

  “Let’s go by and see Silky,” I said and Bobby laughed because he knew what I had in mind for him.

  Silky was a gorilla pimp. For those of you who don’t know, that means the nigga pimps his hoes through brute force instead of proper pimping, which is done through finesse. That's why his hoes look rough and beat up ’cause that nigga be kickin’ their ass. That’s why I don’t like him.

  I don’t approve of men putting their hands on women.

  I was going to kill him about a year ago, but André stopped me. “Silky’s a good earner, Mike,” was what André told me that night.

  But fuck that.

  “Time to let a little pain outta the bag,” Bobby said, and drove a little faster to the spot where he runs his hoes. “Ugly mutha fucka.”

  He doesn’t like Silky either.

  When we got there, Bobby spotted Silky right away. Shit, you couldn’t miss his ass in the white fur coat and hat he was wearing. He was doing what gorilla pimps do, slapping around one of his women. We parked the car, got out and walked up to him slowly.

  “Hey, Bobby,” one said as we passed her.

  “Hey, Black,” another said. “You ain’t out here shopping, are you?”

  “No, baby. Just going to have a little talk with your daddy, that’s all,” I said, and kept walking toward Silky.

  “I was gonna say if you was, I was available.”

  I turned around, “I’ll keep that in mind, baby,” I said, walking backwards for a few steps.

  “You really wanna fuck that hoe?” Bobby asked.

  “Not even with somebody else's dick,” I said.

  It wasn’t that she was a bad looking woman; she actually looked pretty good, but I still wasn’t remotely interested in her.

  As we got close enough for Silky to see us coming, he immediately tapped his muscle, Joe Bones, on the shoulder and started walking away. That probably had something to do with the fact that I told him, fuck what André said, I was gonna kill him the next time I saw him.

  “What you niggas want?” Joe Bones said, and Bobby punched him in the face; Bobby grabbed Joe Bones and kept punching him down to the ground. When Silky saw this, he started running, but he didn’t get very far before I caught up with him.

  I grabbed him by that fur coat and pulled him back towards me. I punched him in the face. “Why you running, Silky?”

  “You said you would kill me next time you saw me. And besides, everybody heard what you did to Emmet last night. Either way, I ain’t want no parts of you,” he said as Bobby caught up.

  “What’s up, Silky?” He punched Silky in the face over and over. “Did Mike tell you that we were gonna beat you to death?” Silky’s eyes bucked open and Bobby hit him again.

  “I was just getting to that.” I reached back and punched him again and he went down from the force of the blow.

  As Silky’s women gathered and watched quietly, me and Bobby kicked him in the face and then stomped Silky repeatedly about his head, his shoulders, and his back. Then Bobby grabbed Silky and pulled him to his feet. He reached back, hit him again and he stumbled towards me. I picked Silky up, threw him on top of a car so hard that it cracked the windshield.

  “Kick his ass,” one of his women said softly.

  “Yeah,” another said.

  “Kill that mutha fucka, Black!” the one that offered herself to me shouted and that started a chant.

  “Kill him! Kill Him!”

  I hit Silky with blow after blow until he went down. Then Bobby stood over him and kicked him a few times before he pulled him up again and rammed him face-first into the wall.

  He slammed Silky’s body into that wall over and over again until Silky went down. I stepped up quickly and we both began to stomp the shit out of him until he slowly stopped moving and his body went limp.

  Suddenly the women got quiet. I turned and looked at them. “Y’all get outta here.”

  “We belong to you now, Black?”

  “Yeah,” Bobby said quickly. “Y’all best be at Drew’s tomorrow and y’all bitches better have my money,” he said, like Silky would.

  “You so crazy, Bobby.”

  “I said get outta here!” I shouted and they all ran away.

  “I’m serious about being at Drew’s with my money!” Bobby shouted, as they ran away from the scene.

  Chapter Five

  When we got back to The Late Night, Bobby said that he had something to do, so he dropped me off. I went inside and looked around for, but was glad that I didn’t see Carmen; which was a good thing, at least it was for me. I mean, I didn’t want to hurt her anymore than I already had, so the best thing for me to do was to stay away from her.


  Staying away from Carmen made it easier for me.

  But whatever the reason, I was glad that she was gone. I looked around for Freeze. He was standing by the bar, talking to a very pretty woman that didn’t seem to be paying him any attention. When he saw me, he gave the woman the finger and walked over to me.

  “What up, Black?”

  “What happened with Carmen?” I needed to know. Even if I didn’t want her around, I still cared what happened to her.

  “After you left with Bobby, she calmed down, and I took her home in a cab,” The Kid said.
br />   “Good man.”

  “I’m sorry, Black.”

  “For what?”

  “For letting her get that close to you. I told the guys on the door especially if you’re here, not to let her in anymore and to come in and get me so I can take care of her.”

  “Good man,” I said again.

  “I promise you, Black, that shit won’t happen again.”

  “I know it won’t.”

  “There’s something else that I need to tell you about.”

  “What’s that?”

  Just then, I felt somebody touch my hand. When I turned around, I saw that it was Michaella Stevens. I met her here two or three months ago, and we’d gotten together a few times since then. Michaella was a bad mutha fucka with her deep brown skin, sexy bedroom eyes and shoulder-length hair. She stood five feet eight inches tall, and if I had to guess, she weighed about a buck fifty and she had a small waistline. She had mad skills; problem with her was that she talked too fuckin’ much for my taste.

  “Hello, Mike,” she said like she had an attitude about something. I glanced at Freeze and he went away.

  “Yo, baby, what’s up?”

  “Where were you last night?”

  “That was so long ago that I don’t remember,” I answered with a Bogart line from Casablanca.

  “Can I see you later?”

  “I try never to make plans that far ahead. But I ain’t doing nothing right now,” I said and she smiled.

  I took her by the hand and led her through the crowd to my office. I locked the door behind us and then I went and sat down on the couch. Michaella stepped out of her heels and then she wiggled out of her pants, took off her top and then she came out of her bra to reveal her pretty titties.

  She walked over to the couch and then she dropped to her knees. Michaella quickly undid my pants and pulled down the zipper. Then she took out my dick, stroked it a few times to get it harder and then Michaella took me in her mouth. I settled back on the couch and watched her blow me.

  Like I said, Michaella had mad skills, so not only was the shit feeling good, it was amazing to watch my dick disappear in her mouth and slowly reappear. I grabbed the back of her head with both hands and she gagged a little, but she didn’t stop sucking. Michaella was sucking that shit so fuckin’ good that I felt myself getting ready to cum in her mouth. I guess she felt it too, so she took it out of her mouth and stood up.

  When she did, I stood up too, took off my pants and when she walked to the desk, I followed her. I walked up behind Michaella and wrapped my arms around her. She spread her legs a little and I reached around and massaged her clit.

  “Bend over.”

  She bent over, leaned on the desk; she was so fuckin wet that I slid my entire length inside of her. I held on tightly moving in and out, as Michaella bucked her hips wildly against me until she screamed.

  I pulled out of her and when I did, Michaella spun around and sucked her juices off me. Then she stood up straight and began clearing a spot on my desk.

  “You’re not finished with me yet. Ain’t no telling when I’ma see your ass again, so I gotta get all I can now.”

  Michaella said as she lay down on the desk and lifted her legs. I stepped up quickly, grabbed her by the ankles, slammed myself into her and began to pound away.

  As Michaella threw that wet shit back at me, I closed my eyes and Carmen drifted into my mind. I could see her face, I could hear her voice and for a second, it was her that I was fucking. I began to feel, and since this was neither the time nor the pussy to be feeling for, I opened my eyes. The sight of Michaella with her mouth wide open and squeezing her titties brought me back to reality, and I finished her off.

  Once Michaella left the office, I came out and I saw Vickie coming straight for me. I guess you would call Vickie the free spirited one in our crew. She has no involvement and even less interest in the game. Vickie just wanted to have fun. Hanging out with me, Bobby, Wanda, Nick and Jamaica was all she ever wanted to do. To lose herself in life, is what she calls it.

  “What’s up, Mike?” she said, and I could tell that she was fucked up.

  “You know you got it.”

  Vickie laughed. “Where you been all night?”

  “We had something we needed to take care of.” I smiled and took a step closer to her. “Want me to tell you about it?”

  “No,” Vickie said definitely and covered her ears. “I don’t want or need to know anything about it. But I do need to tell you something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Me and Wanda were at the bar having a drink, when these guys stepped to us. They were both kinda cute, so we let them stay,” she began, and I wondered why she was telling me this, and hoping there was a reason other than her being fucked up. “So after Wanda asked them fifty million questions, you know how she gets sometimes—”

  “I know, it’s like a game to her.”

  “Right, I guess that’s why she’s been applying to law schools,” Vickie said and covered her mouth. “Oh shit, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that,” she said, but I already knew. “She wanted to tell you when she got accepted. Anyway, after she questioned them, they sat down and was buying us drinks and whatever. Then I hear the guy that was talking to Wanda say, ‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’ And she said, if you ever put your hands on me again, I’ll make sure you die slowly while I watch. Next thing I know, Wanda’s got that pearl handle twenty-five under his chin.”

  “Where’s Wanda now?”

  “She’s over there.” Vickie pointed to Wanda. “And the two guys are over there,” Vickie said, and pointed in the opposite direction.

  “Which one?”

  “The one in the played-out light blue jogging suit and the fat gold chain.”

  “Excuse me, Vickie,” I said as Wanda walked up.

  “Mike wait,” Wanda said. “What did you tell him!” I heard her yell at Vickie as I made my way through the crowd. I made eye contact with Freeze and he began coming toward me.

  “That’s what I was gonna tell you about,” Freeze said as we got to the table him and his boy were sitting at. Now he was talking up on Babygirl and another woman that I’d never seen before.

  “What’s up, baby boy?” Babygirl said as I reached across the table, snatched dude and pulled him toward me. Freeze pulled out his gun and pointed it at his boy.

  “You don’t wanna die, so sit the fuck down,” Freeze said as I began punching him in the face.

  I grabbed him by the throat and kept punching him in the face, and then I slammed him face-first into the table before I let him go. He slumped to the floor and I kicked him a few times. I pulled him up and got in his face.

  “If I ever see you up in my spot again or I hear about you even looking in Wanda’s direction, I’ll kill you.”

  When I let him go, security moved in, snatched him up from the floor and physically escorted him and his boy out of The Late Night.

  Chapter Six

  I followed security outside, and watched as they beat on dude for a minute before they tossed him face-first in the street. His boy, who wanted no parts of the ass kicking, waited until security had walked away before he went and picked his boy up. As he walked away with him, he looked back at me and nodded his head. I nodded mine as Wanda walked up and stood next to me.

  “You didn’t have to do that, Mike.”

  “Yes I did. Nobody is going to disrespect you up in my spot. Especially a punk ass nigga like that.” I looked at Wanda. “And I thought that I told you to stop carrying that gun. One day, you’re gonna pull that gun out and somebody is going to make you use it.”

  “Yes, sir,” Wanda said, and laughed a little.

  “I’m serious, Wanda.”

  “I know you are, Mike, and you're right. When I pull it, I best be ready to use it,” Wanda said and turned to go back inside. Since I wasn’t finished talking to her, I followed her back into The Late Night.

  “So ask yourself, college girl, are you real
ly ready to stand in somebody’s face and pull the trigger.”

  “I guess we’ll just have to find out one day,” Wanda said, and all I could do was shake my head because she can be so fuckin’ hardheaded sometimes. But you know what, she says the same shit about me, so fuck it.

  I made my way through the crowd with Wanda following closely behind me. Once we were in the office and Wanda closed and locked the door, she had questions for me.

  “What happened tonight with Henderson and them?”

  “Henderson is dead.”

  “I guess things went the way you wanted with Drew, or is he dead too?”

  “No. Drew and I now have an understanding.”

  Wanda nodded her head like she was pleased with the outcome. “Any problems? I mean did any of Henderson’s people try anything?”

  “No, Wanda, it went just like I told you it would. Those people are loyal to Drew and they were no trouble at all.” I paused. “At least not yet anyway.”

  Wanda nodded her head. “It’s going just like we planned it,” she said, and I’ve known her long enough to know that she was thinking about the plan and our next move.

  Everybody says that me and Wanda are two sides of one criminal mind. Some of those same people think that eventually me and her will get together, but I don’t ever see that happening. For one, been there done that and it lasted a week and by the end of the week, we couldn’t stand each other and two, Wanda is like my sister.

  “By the way, Silky’s dead too.”

  “The pimp?”

  “You know anybody else named Silky?”

  “That wasn’t part of the plan. What you kill him for?”

  “He deserved it.”

  “True, that bastard needed to die,” Wanda said, and smiled a very satisfied smile.

  She couldn’t stand Silky either.

  “Who’s next?”

  I looked at the clock on my desk. “I was thinking about grabbing The Kid and going to see Montel.”

  Montel Lamont was a loan shark and a gambler that ran his game out of an apartment. He was a lying, cheating, backstabbing mutha fucka that would sell his grandmother if he thought he could make a dollar. André told me that back in the day, Montel was playing poker and lost big time to a hustler called Big Sky.